Season 22/23
With the closure of the outdoor greens in 2020, the opportunity was taken to carry out overdue maintenance on the greens, outfield and premises.
In June 2020, we started meeting every Monday with work on the greens and the outfield taking priority.
Much aerating, scaryfying, verticutting and mowing was carried out culminating with the full scarifying, top dressing and seeding of the top green at the end of September. This was followed by similar treatment of the bad patches of the bottom green
Meanwhile, the attractive shrubbery bank was “rediscovered” and cleared of weeds and brambles, and the outer boundary hedges were thinned out and reduced in height.

The bank has now been cleared of any unwanted trees and shrubs and is now being tended by enthusiastic club members.
Our buildings have been decorated inside and out, and the toilet block floor tiled, so everything is looking good at the moment.